Neighborhood Housing Services Offers FREE Foreclosure Prevention Counseling
I recently became Chair of NHS's Housing Solutions Committee. The Committee oversees an amazing, and mostly unknown program to help homeowners. Called "Foreclosure Prevention Counseling", its really much more. NHS is able to do loan modifications (where possible), as part of an overall foreclosure prevention program. And...its FREE...and it has a 90% success rate (of avoiding foreclosure)!
Designed for homeowners who are behind, or anticipate becoming behind, in mortgage payments on their primary residence.
Available to all Idaho residents for their primary residence
NO COST for housing counseling services
We will work with you and your lender toward modification
NHS is a nonprofit, HUD-approved housing counseling agency.
Call us at (208) 343-4065 x119 or email
Here are four documents about the program
1. Two-sided color brochure for homeowners
2. Short Description of the Foreclosure Prevention Program
3. Homeowner Intake Packet - to initiate the program
Beware of foreclosure rescue and loan modification scams! Contact the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development at 800-569-4287 to verify that a company is legitimate and reputable before you work with them.
Thank you Marc for presenting this valuable information to Group One today. I am confident our agents will get this message out to the consumer every opportunity they have. We sincerely appreciate your time. KaLinn