Friday, September 11, 2009

What Do You Think About This...?

...A New Member Start Up Kit.

We were talking about how we could help new members jump start their first 90 days as REALTORS.

In addition to learning where the office is, how to enter a listing and what is in the "blue brochure," there's lots of other small but important things to put together...everything from tape measures to sign riders, brochures to a zip drive with every kind of information needed. The list goes on.......

Here's an idea we were tossing around.

What if ACAR created a New Member Starter Kit available for purchase while the newbie is here purchasing their keys and signing up for the association and MLS?

One stop shopping, with a "new REALTOR®" discount too.

What do you think? What would you suggest we add to the starter kit?

1 comment:

  1. It could include Realtor pins, one set of blank forms, laminated copy of the Code of Ethics, some Realtor or ACAR logo'ed items like notepads, etc. Maybe we could include one flyer from each of our affiliate members (i.e. title companies, home inspectors, etc.) as an added benefit to our affiliates. Some of them would probably be glad to through in some free Post It Notes with their logo, pens, calendars . . .


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